Dental Check up & Clean

Dental Check up & Clean

Why Dental Checkup & Clean?

A regular dental checkup & clean is important and we value and highly recommend this simple and low-cost procedure at Midway Dental Clinic. From children as young six months of age, we have been looking after many families’ teeth for well over 25 years. This visit will give the dentist an opportunity to check your mouth and teeth and help prevent tooth decay. Even if you do not have any problems with your mouth, it is important to see dentist six monthly. We do carry out this simple preventive procedure conveniently at both our dental clinics in Ashfield and Ryde.

What happens in a Dental Checkup & Clean?

We will start with a full teeth and gum check-up, listen to your concerns. So you can be made aware of the health of your mouth. Midway dentist will also recommend x-rays every 2-5 years depending on the state of your teeth and gums.

You will receive a scale, clean and polish to remove any plaque and tartar build-up around your teeth and gums. This will leave you with a smooth and refreshing feel around your mouth.

Your check up will also involve a fluoride application, which helps strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities. Fluoride is a natural mineral found in the earth and water. It does an excellent job of reducing dental decay. You can find fluoride in our waters, toothpastes and mouth gels.

What are some hygiene tips and tricks?

While it’s our job to perform dental checkup & clean, we ensure you do your part in maintaining them!

We will take the time to give you some hygiene tips and tricks to help you do just that! These include:

  • Brushing techniques
  • Types of brushes and toothpastes to use
  • Flossing demonstrations
  • Mouthwashes and instructions on how to use them
  • Suggestions to improve your diet for better dental health

How often should you visit us for Dental Checkup & Clean?

We suggest you visit us for a dental check up every 6 months. In this way, your teeth and gums can remain as healthy as they can be. Don’t worry, we will always call, text or email you a reminder of your upcoming dental check up & clean.

We also just love to chat and catch up with you!

Come in and visit us today!


Suite F3, First Floor, 117 North Road, Ryde NSW 2112
Mondays-Saturdays 7am to 7pm


26 Henry Street, Ashfield NSW 2131
Mondays-Saturdays 7am to 7pm
Sunday Emergency Only