Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry


Emergency Dental Services

Midway Dental Clinic is a leading emergency dental services provider in Sydney as we are available 24/7. All our dentists understand a dental emergency needs to be quickly addressed and so it is our policy to provide a same-day appointment for all dental emergencies and support you with follow-up care and consults.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency can include:


Pain can be very distressing and causes irritability, an inability to sleep, triggers to hot and/or cold food/drink and can sometimes radiate towards other parts of the jaw, face and neck. We highly recommend all types of pain be treated and will ensure appropriate testing and digital radiographs are carried out so we can determine the source of the pain and manage related symptoms. We always strive to follow up with either a call or second appointment to ensure you are pain-free and comfortable.


Swelling of the gum, cheek or neck can be very concerning and is usually attributed to an infection or internal bleeding. This can go hand in hand with pain and lead to difficulty in opening your mouth and/or swallowing. It is very important to seek immediate attention to avoid further swelling and possible life-threatening situations.

Difficulty in opening jaw or swallowing

Difficulty in opening jaw or swallowing is generally caused by swelling, wisdom teeth infection, teeth clenching and/or grinding or trauma. This can interfere with our standard lifestyle habits like eating, brushing and talking. We will take the time to understand the cause of this and provide you with both at-home remedies and appropriate treatments.

Headaches and/or migraines

Headaches and/or migraines are more often overlooked from a dental standpoint. However, teeth clenching and/or grinding is one of the major contributors to headaches and migraines. For the teeth to be in constant contact and pressure with each other, we need to engage a whole set of cheek, temple and neck muscles. This can set our muscles into overdrive and eventually give us constant, unrelenting pain in the head and neck region. We offer very targeted treatments for these cases including splint therapy (night-guard), MAS (Mandibular Advancement Splint for Sleep Apnoea-related issues) and Botox and Dysport injections (muscle-relaxants).

Dental trauma

Dental trauma including facial bruising and cuts, avulsed or luxated teeth (knocked out teeth) and jaw dislocations.  Trauma can be very disheartening and cases where teeth have been knocked out need to be appropriately managed. Please refer to our flowchart to help you manage any of the following situations:

  • Tooth Knocked Out
  1. If the tooth knocked out is a Baby tooth, Do not touch the tooth. This can either damage the permanent tooth bud and create problems in its future growth.
  2. If the tooth knocked out is a permanent tooth, hold the tooth by the crown (non-pointy part) and not the root (pointy part). Gently push the tooth into the gum socket with the root (pointy part) pushed in first. If the tooth is dirty, gently rinse the tooth in milk or Saline (salt water solution), Do not use water. Have the person gently bite on a piece of cloth or handkerchief to maintain the tooth in place. If you are unable to push the tooth into the gum socket, please preserve the tooth by soaking in milk or saline only.

Call us immediately on 9878 4363 or 9705 8558 and/or Book an appointment for emergency dental appointment.

  • Tooth NOT Knocked Out But is Mispositioned
  1. If the tooth not knocked out is a Baby tooth, Do not touch the tooth. This can either damage the permanent tooth bud and create problems in its future growth.
  2. If the tooth not knocked out is a permanent tooth, try gently reposition the tooth into a reasonable position and have the person gently bite on a piece of cloth or handkerchief to maintain the tooth in place. Please do not use excessive force, and if the tooth is immovable then leave as is.

Call us immediately on 9878 4363 or 9705 8558 and/or Book an appointment for emergency dental appointment.

  • Tooth Chipped and/or Cracked
  1. If you can find the chipped or cracked tooth piece, please soak the piece in milk or Saline (sal water solution) only. Call us immediately on 9878 4363 or 9705 8558 and/or Book an appointment for emergency dental appointment.

Chipped or cracked tooth

Chipped or cracked teeth may not always be accompanied with pain but still need to be addressed to avoid further damage, loss of tooth/teeth and pain. Treatments generally involve a tooth filling or dental crown which come in various materials depending on the location within the mouth.

All our dentists Dr. Rekha, Dr. Ine, Dr. Leslie and Dr. Vinay make an excellent emergency dental service provider team, complimenting and supporting each other. This is the primary reason we thrive providing quality and premium care to those in extreme pain. It is our dental clinic policy to accommodate emergency appointments, address the pain as priority, and support you with follow-up care.

  • * We are available 7 days a week,
  • * We work long hours; we do accommodate dental emergency appointments, give priority.
  • * In case of fire, medical or police emergency, dial Triple Zero (000) including any life threatening emergencies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Prevent Teeth Injuries while you play sports and Avoid Dental Emergency?

  • Mouth guards. When playing sports, specifically contact sports, we highly recommend you wear a mouth guard. This will protect your teeth and mouth.
  • Face guards or cages. These protect against damage to the face, especially when playing sports in certain positions, like cricket keeper, cricket batsman, baseball catcher or hockey goalkeeper.

How to control bleeding due to mouth injuries?

Any injuries to the mouth may result into bleeding from soft tissues, which include the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips. It is important to control the bleeding. You can undertake the following measures:

  1. Rinse your mouth with clean water
  2. Use a clean and wet piece of gauge or cloth to apply pressure on the bleeding spot. Hold tight in place for 15-20 minutes until the bleeding has stopped.
  3.  If the bleeding does not stop, please go to a hospital emergency or seek emergency dental services.
Come in and visit us today!


Suite F3, First Floor, 117 North Road, Ryde NSW 2112
Mondays-Saturdays 7am to 7pm


26 Henry Street, Ashfield NSW 2131
Mondays-Saturdays 7am to 7pm
Sunday Emergency Only